
The Best Nut for Weight Loss

In a world where dietary choices can make or break your fitness goals, understanding the caloric impact of different foods becomes crucial. This is especially true when it comes to nuts, often touted for their health benefits but also known for their high calorie content. Let’s delve into why making smart nutritional choices, particularly regarding calorie density, is essential for effective weight management.

Caloric Comparison: Nuts vs. Fruits

Imagine this scenario: you have 100 grams of peanut butter or almonds, both packing nearly 600 calories. In contrast, an entire kilogram of apples contains around 520 calories. At first glance, it might seem like you’re getting comparable energy from these foods. However, the key lies in the quantity.

Understanding Caloric Density

Caloric density refers to the number of calories in a given volume or weight of food. Nuts, while nutritious, are dense in calories. This means that consuming even a small amount can contribute significantly to your daily caloric intake. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables like apples and guavas provide fewer calories per serving, making them less likely to lead to calorie surplus when consumed in reasonable portions.

The Importance of Caloric Deficit

For those aiming to lose weight, achieving a caloric deficit is paramount. This means consuming fewer calories than your body expends, forcing it to burn stored fat for energy. While nuts can be part of a balanced diet due to their nutritional benefits, their high calorie density means they should be consumed mindfully.

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Making Smart Choices

The essence of effective weight loss lies in making sustainable dietary choices. Opting for foods that are not overly calorie-dense most of the time can help you maintain a caloric deficit without feeling deprived. This doesn’t mean you have to completely avoid nuts; rather, it’s about balancing them with lower-calorie options such as fruits and vegetables.

Incorporating Other Weight Loss Tools

Beyond dietary choices, achieving sustainable weight loss involves incorporating other strategies like NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) and regular exercise. NEAT encompasses the calories burned through daily activities such as walking, gardening, or even fidgeting, all of which contribute to your overall energy expenditure.


In conclusion, while nuts like almonds and peanut butter offer nutritional benefits, their high caloric density requires careful consideration, especially if weight loss is your goal. By prioritizing foods that are lower in calories but still nutritious, and by incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, you can create a sustainable path toward achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

For personalized guidance on creating a caloric deficit and optimizing your nutrition for weight loss, feel free to reach out to us. Transform your approach to weight loss with informed choices and practical strategies.

Glucose Spike & Fat Storage Is A Myth?

The relationship between glucose spikes from food consumption and body fat storage is often oversimplified in online discussions. Here’s a detailed explanation to clarify the confusion:

The Basics of Glucose and Fat Storage

1. Glucose and Insulin:

  • When you eat carbohydrates, they are broken down into glucose, which enters the bloodstream.
  • In response to rising blood glucose levels, the pancreas releases insulin, a hormone that helps cells absorb glucose for energy or storage.
  • Insulin also signals the liver to store glucose as glycogen and helps convert excess glucose into fat for long-term storage.

2. Energy Balance:

  • Energy balance is the fundamental principle of weight management. It’s the balance between calories consumed (through food and drink) and calories expended (through basal metabolic rate, physical activity, and digestion).
  • If you consume more calories than you expend, the excess energy is stored in the body, often as fat.
  • Conversely, if you expend more calories than you consume, your body will utilize stored energy, leading to fat loss.

Myths and Misunderstandings

  • Myth: Foods Causing Glucose Spikes Directly Lead to Fat Storage:
    • Reality: While high-glycemic foods (those that cause quick spikes in blood glucose) can lead to more insulin release, this doesn’t automatically mean these foods cause more fat storage if overall calorie intake is balanced. The body’s primary driver of fat storage is excess caloric intake, not just insulin spikes.
  • Myth: Energy Balance Doesn’t Matter:
    • Reality: Energy balance is crucial. Overeating any macronutrient (carbohydrates, fats, or proteins) can lead to weight gain if it results in a calorie surplus. The source of calories can influence how easily you may overeat (due to factors like satiety and nutrient density), but energy balance is the ultimate determinant of weight change.

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The Role of Glycemic Response

1. High-Glycemic Foods and Appetite:

  • High-glycemic foods can cause rapid spikes and drops in blood sugar, which might lead to increased hunger and overeating, potentially resulting in a calorie surplus.
  • Managing blood sugar levels can help with appetite control and may indirectly aid in maintaining a healthy weight by reducing the likelihood of overeating.

2. Insulin and Fat Storage:

  • Insulin facilitates fat storage, but it also supports muscle growth and overall energy regulation. Simply spiking insulin doesn’t inherently cause fat gain; it’s the excess calories that are stored as fat.
  • Insulin resistance, often a result of chronic high insulin levels, can contribute to metabolic issues and weight gain, but it’s a complex process influenced by many factors, including diet, physical activity, and genetics.

Practical Considerations

1. Diet Composition:

  • Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods: These typically have a lower glycemic index and provide sustained energy without causing dramatic blood sugar spikes.
  • Balance macronutrients: Include a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to help maintain steady blood glucose levels and control appetite.

2. Overall Caloric Intake:

  • Monitor portion sizes and total caloric intake to ensure you are not consuming more energy than you are expending.
  • Physical activity: Regular exercise helps manage blood glucose levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and support overall energy expenditure.


While glucose spikes and insulin play a role in energy storage, they are not the sole factors determining fat gain. The principle of energy balance remains crucial: consuming more calories than you expend will lead to fat gain, regardless of the glycemic index of the foods consumed. Managing blood sugar levels can help with appetite control and overall health, but maintaining a balanced diet and regular physical activity are key for effective weight management.

Understanding these concepts can help you navigate the information you encounter online and make informed decisions about your diet and health.

Does L-Carnitine Work for Fat Loss?

L-Carnitine is often marketed as a fat-loss supplement, but the evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited and mixed.

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What is L-Carnitine?

L-Carnitine is a naturally occurring compound that helps with metabolism of fats or fat burning. In order for the fat to be used or burnt for energy there are two steps involved –

1. Mobilization of fat, meaning bring fatty acid out of adipose tissue into the blood, and
2. Oxidation of fat, meaning transporting fatty acid in the blood to any working cell’s mitochondria where it can be used/burned for energy.

L-carnitine helps with the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are burned for energy. It acts like a transporter.

Mechanism of Action

L-Carnitine plays a role in the oxidation of long-chain fatty acids, facilitating their transport into the mitochondria, where they are used for energy production. This process is essential for energy metabolism, particularly during periods of fasting and exercise.

Scientific Evidence

1. Limited Impact on Fat Loss:

  • A meta-analysis published in the Obesity Reviews (2016) examined multiple studies and concluded that L-Carnitine supplementation had a small but statistically significant impact on weight loss. However, the effect size was minimal, and the clinical significance was questionable .

2. Exercise Performance:

  • Another study in the Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry (2014) found no significant difference in body composition between those who took L-Carnitine and those who did not .

Why is it Sold Despite Limited Evidence?

  1. Historical Belief and Marketing:
    • The initial interest in L-Carnitine for fat loss likely stems from its known role in fat metabolism. The idea that increasing its availability in the body could enhance fat oxidation and promote weight loss seemed logical and appealing.
    • Supplement companies have capitalized on this basic biochemistry knowledge, marketing L-Carnitine as a fat-burning supplement despite the lack of strong evidence.
  2. Placebo Effect:
    • Some users may experience a placebo effect, where they believe the supplement is working, leading to behavioral changes that contribute to weight loss, such as increased exercise and better diet adherence.
  3. Confounding Factors:
    • Many studies on L-Carnitine are not controlled for other variables such as diet, exercise, and lifestyle, making it difficult to isolate the effects of the supplement itself.

What Happens Inside the Body?

  1. Normal Physiology:
    • L-Carnitine is synthesized in the liver and kidneys from amino acids lysine and methionine. It is stored primarily in the muscles, heart, and brain.
    • During exercise, fatty acids are mobilized from fat stores and transported into the mitochondria by L-Carnitine for oxidation and energy production.
  2. Supplementation:
    • When consumed as a supplement, L-Carnitine is absorbed in the intestines and transported to tissues via the bloodstream. The body regulates its levels, and excess amounts are excreted in urine.

Why Doesn’t It Work for Fat Loss?

  1. Sufficient Levels in the Body:
    • Most people, especially those with a balanced diet, have sufficient L-Carnitine levels. Supplementing beyond these levels does not necessarily enhance fat metabolism.
    • The rate-limiting step in fatty acid oxidation is not L-Carnitine availability but rather the complex regulation of multiple metabolic pathways and enzymes.
  2. Energy Balance:
    • Fat loss ultimately depends on maintaining a caloric deficit. Simply increasing L-Carnitine levels without addressing overall diet and exercise will not lead to significant fat loss.
  3. Lack of Significant Impact:
    • As mentioned earlier, the impact of L-Carnitine supplementation on fat loss is minimal at best. Studies often show little to no significant difference in body composition changes between those taking the supplement and those not taking it.


While L-Carnitine plays a critical role in fat metabolism, supplementing with it has not been shown to significantly enhance fat loss in humans. The persistent belief in its effectiveness is largely due to its theoretical benefits, effective marketing strategies, and the appeal of a simple solution to a complex problem. For meaningful fat loss, a combination of dietary management, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes remains the most effective approach.


  1. Pooyandjoo, M., Nouhi, M., Shab-Bidar, S., Djafarian, K., & Olyaeemanesh, A. (2016). The effect of (L-)carnitine on weight loss in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Obesity Reviews, 17(10), 970-976.
  2. Villani, R. G., Gannon, J., Self, M., & Rich, P. A. (2000). L-Carnitine supplementation combined with aerobic training does not promote weight loss in moderately obese women. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 10(2), 199-207.
  3. Wall, B. T., Stephens, F. B., Constantin-Teodosiu, D., Marimuthu, K., Macdonald, I. A., & Greenhaff, P. L. (2011). Chronic oral ingestion of L-carnitine and carbohydrate increases muscle carnitine content and alters muscle fuel metabolism during exercise in humans. The Journal of Physiology, 589(Pt 4), 963-973.
  4. Mingrone, G., Greco, A. V., Capristo, E., Benedetti, G., De Gaetano, A., & Gasbarrini, G. (1999). L-carnitine improves glucose disposal in type 2 diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 18(1), 77-82.
Best exercise for weight loss

Top 5 Best Exercises For Weight Loss

Top 5 Best Exercise For Weight Loss

You are finding Best Exercise For Weight Loss. Because, you are a fatty guy?

Here are some of the Best Exercise For Fat Loss that helps you to loss weight fast and Some facts about weight loss.

But, First you need to know that how much is your calorie intake. So, click below and know that how much is your calorie intake.


Walking is one of the most common and simplest exercise for weight loss. But, it is good for those whose weight is too much that they couldn’t run or jog. Because, running or jogging is more sufficient exercise than jogging.

It requires no special equipment (except perhaps good shoes for running), and can be done indoors or outdoors. Walk 4000 steps means Approximately 3 kilometers.


Running is a good exercise for weight loss. But, If your weight is too much for example 90-95kg then I will suggest you to not run for weight loss. Because, now your weight is too much and your bones are not able for a run. Because, of its caloroe burning capacity, metabolism-boosting effects, and ability to target stored fat.

If you can run for just 30 minutes then it can burns approximately 300 calories. It requires no special equipment (except perhaps good shoes for running), and can be done outdoors.

Strength Training

The best exercise for weight loss is the combination of cardio exercises and strength training. Strength Training will help you to gain muscle and cardio exercises helps in losing fat. Some of the best strength training exercises for weight loss:

  • Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Lunges
  • Push-ups
  • Pull-ups/Chin-ups
  • Dumbbell Rows
  • Bench Press
  • Russian Twists
  • Plank
  • Burpees
  • Mountain Climber


Cycling of a good exercise for weight loss. It can burn your more calories in less time and it also helps you in building stamina. Because, it is a cardio exercise.

Whether you prefer outdoor cycling or using a stationary bike. You can do cycling for 20-30 minutes in a day for better and fast results.

Looking to achieve your fitness goals?

We offer personalized nutrition & training plans tailored for fat loss, muscle gain, or any other health goal. Click below, fill out the form, and reach your fitness goals much faster than most people.


Skipping or Jumping rope is a high-intensity cardiovascular exercise best for weight loss that can torch calories quickly. Means it can easily burn your calories in less time.

It also helps improve coordination and agility. Boxers and other athletes are also doing skipping for boosting stamina. So, do 5 set of 2 minutes.

Myths and Reality of Exercise in Weight Loss

There is no single best exercise for fat loss. In fact, exercise plays a very minimal role in fat loss. Let’s clarify this.

The main principle of fat loss is always going to be calorie deficit. This means that you need to burn more calories than you consume and nutrition plays a bigger role in whether to stay in a caloric deficit or not.

So the first step is to use any online calculator to determine your maintenance calories and then create a plan to eat 200-300 calories less than that. Our video (make your own diet plan) will help you create a nutrition plan, and you can find a spreadsheet with protein sources from instagram profile page and youtube about section. By doing this, and combining it with 6-7 thousand steps per day, you will start to lose weight.

Now, coming to exercise, it does burn some calories. However, that’s not the main reason we exercise. We exercise to build good habits first and then to improve heart health, maintain healthy blood sugar levels, strengthen bones, preserve and build muscle, reduce stress, improve focus, boost mood, and improve appearance.

So, the bottom line is that after you have your nutrition sorted, you should combine some cardio and strength training in your exercise routine to see great results. Cardio will burn some extra calories and improve heart functioning and strength training, will make you stronger, improve your strength, and preserve & grow your muscle mass which improves your overall health and metabolism.


In summarising, Exercises does not play a major role in your weight loss journey. The major thing is is maintain your daily calories. So, first make sure how much calories you need to take in a day with calorie counter given in the starting of the starting of the article.

Then make your diet plan or if you are troubling in making your diet plan. Then Contact Us by filling your Contact us form. Next step is to do some exercises for weight loss like:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Jogging
  • Strength Training
  • Skipping
  • Cycling
bollywood body transformation

The Truth About Most Viral Bollywood Body Transformations

Bollywood transformations are more hype & buzz than science & mathematics.

Use of both is good enough to understand any bollywood transformation including the two which garnered maximum virality in Bollywood History – Aamir’s Dangal & Hrithik’s War transformation.

But the idea of this article is to help you understand the science behind these transformations & how you can apply the same science to create your own transformation rather than searching for aamir khan diet & workout plan all across the internet assuming that by following the same you will get a body like Aamir Khan.

So let’s get to the basics of fat-to-fit transformations first before decoding both stories.

Basics of Fat to fit transformations

Our body weight consists of fat mass & fat-free mass or lean mass. Fat mass is the weight of fat & lean mass includes muscles, bones, organs, water etc.

Body weight = Fat Mass + Fat-Free Mass (Muscles + Bones + Organs + Tendons + Water)

And a fat-to-fit transformation means two things –

1. Losing body fat or fat mass
2. Retaining muscle mass (lean mass)

Meaning, in any such transformation video you see, the person has lost body fat & retained as much muscle as possible. It doesn’t mean the person has built all that muscle right from scratch in the transformation period. He/she just lost fat & saved his muscle. Because building new muscle takes years of work.

Achieving such fat-to-fit transformation is very much possible with proper training, calorie deficit nutrition, optimal protein, hydration & rest.

Let’s understand this in a little more detail with Aamir’s Dangal Transformation.

1. Aamir’s Dangal Transformation

source – utv motion pictures

Aamir went from 97 kg body weight & 38% body fat to 68 kg weight & 10% body fat in 5 months or 22 weeks.

So starting body fat was 38% of 97 i.e. 37 kg. Meaning out of 97 kg total weight, 37 kg was fat weight.

If we subtract the two, we will get lean mass.

Body Weight – Fat Weight = Total Lean Mass = 97-37 = 60 kg

Aamir’s starting lean mass was 60 kg.

Fast forward 5 months, the new weight is 68 kg with 10% body fat, meaning 7 kg fat mass.

How much of the lean mass is left now, 68-7=61 kg.

So if you see, the before & after lean mass stayed almost the same in Aamir. So what changed?

Fat Mass. From 37 kg to 7 Kg.

In a nutshell, Aamir lost 30 kg of body fat in this transformation and retained his muscle.

Meaning, Aamir did not build this muscle in 6 months. That took over 15 years. If I remember, Ghajini was his first movie, we saw Aamir pack a lot of muscle.

That said, the fat loss was very drastic considering the timeline. One should not attempt such extreme fat loss in real life. Any fat loss journey should be gradual.

How can you do your transformation? Let me get to that in a while after discussing Hrithik’s transformation.

2. Hrithik’s War Transformation

source – HRX brand

Other than the transformation time period, no other details such as body weight, and body fat % were available on the internet about Hrithik’s transformation.

However, what can be deduced just by looking at the images/videos is that Hrithik went from around 25-30% body fat to 10% body fat in 6 months.

Again, like Aamir, Hrithik also lost body fat & retained his muscle. In fact, Hrithik gained all this muscle in 22+ years.

How to transform your body using this knowledge?

Calculate your body fat percentage using this US army body fat calculator. Read measuring instructions carefully before you input the numbers in the calculator.

10-20% body fat in men and 20-30% in women is considered a healthy range. Find what percentage you want to get to. Here’s a chart for your reference.

image source

Now, find your maintenance calories using this calculator. Remember this is just an estimate. After a week of experimentation, you’ll know what works for you.

After calculating this, start consuming 200-300 calories less than maintenance. Since you will be eating less consume enough fiber-rich foods in each meal. This will keep you full. Also, keep protein intake between 1.5g-2g per kg of body weight. Other than satiety protein will help retain muscle. Keep yourself hydrated.

For weight training, if you’re a beginner, you have an opportunity to build muscle & lose fat at the same time. Just train at least 3-4 times per week.

If you’re an intermediate or advanced lifter, train 5-6 times in week hitting each muscle group at least twice.

Be consistent and you’ll start to see progress. Remember to measure your weight daily & body fat levels once per week to stay on track.

Measure various circumferences using above mentioned instructions


Proper training, calorie deficit nutrition, optimal protein, hydration, and rest – That’s all it takes to get a transformation like this. No magic bullet here. Consistency will bring results. Nothing else will.

Hope it helps.

References used –

Hrithik’s transformation video – YouTube (HRX Brand)
Aamir’s Transformation video – YouTube (UTV Motion Pictures)
Arner P. Fat Tissue Growth and Development in Humans. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2018;89:37-45. doi: 10.1159/000486491. Epub 2018 Jul 10. PMID: 29991030.


Is It possible To Reduce Fat From Specific Parts Of The Body?

You may have seen a lot of people performing a variety of crunches, side bends, leg raises, and abdominal exercises in hopes of getting rid of that belly fat or love handles at the gym.

But is it possible to reduce fat just from the belly or in other words, is it possible to target fat loss from a specific body part such as the thigh, abdominal area, hips, etc.?

Simply put, is spot reduction possible?

The clear answer is “no” for now but there is some evidence regarding its effectiveness but not conclusive enough at this point.

However, before we get to that it is important for you to understand how the body accumulates & loses fat.

How does the body accumulate fat?

A simple way of looking at this is, when you’re in a state of caloric surplus, meaning you’re consuming more energy through food (in form of carbohydrates, fat & protein) than you burn (Total energy expenditure), the extra energy that remained in your body will be stored in cells as triglycerides.

In your body, fat storage is determined by several factors such as genetics, age, gender, lifestyle, etc.

And, women generally tend to accumulate fat around thighs, butt areas whereas men store fat around their belly region.

How body loses fat?

When you are in a state of caloric deficit, meaning burning more calories than what you’re consuming, your body will break those triglycerides into free fatty acids & glycerol and use them as the energy source.

When this process takes place continuously, you’ll lose fat.

What about those abs, obliques, and thigh exercises we see people doing at the gym?

While all those exercises are great at increasing strength and endurance for a specific muscle group that’s being trained and might as well help grow the muscle under favorable conditions, however, removing fat mass is clearly for your body to decide.

To simplify it even further, performing biceps exercises will help grow muscle mass but will not warrant the reduction of fat mass from the biceps area. Likewise for other muscle groups.

In order for that to happen, strength training must be coupled with a calorie deficit so the body also starts to lose fat.

Do any specific body part gets preferential fat loss treatment?

No. It is for the body to decide which fat cells get used as energy first.

Whether they’re coming from the biceps, thigh or belly, you cannot decide.

A number of studies have proved that targeting fat loss from a specific area doesn’t work.

A 2017 study, however, showed some signs of a fat mass reduction in specific areas in 16 physically inactive women who did resistance training followed by low-intensity cardio sessions.

But more research is needed to confirm this for a larger group of individuals.

But meanwhile, something that definitely works on reducing overall fat mass is –

  1. caloric deficit diet
  2. resistance training and
  3. consistency

References –

Thumbnail Image source


Common Mistakes When Trying To Lose Weight

Top 5 Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes

Most of the poeple like you are doing exercises and maintaining a good Weight loss diet plan but still there weight is not losing.

That is because you are doing some weight common weight loss mistakes. So, today in this Article I will tell you Top 5 Biggest Common Weight Loss Mistakes.

For losing weight fast you need to consume less calories then your need. So, The first step for you is to click below and count your Daily Calorie Intake.

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1. Too much cardio exercise

The first thing you’ll notice anyone doing who’s on a fat loss journey. People generally consider cardio training i.e. treadmill, cross-training, and cycling as the most effective exercises for fat loss, however, too much cardio may result in muscle loss & over-exhaustion.

While, cardio is great for heart health and promotes healthy bones, joints, mood, sleep & energy level, and a lot of other functions but for fat loss, it is not the right strategy as cited above.

You can increase your caloric expenditure by burning more calories but excessive calories deficit might result in more muscle loss than fat loss.

But good cardio must be coupled with some caloric deficit and resistance training.

2. Focus on the scale

If you’re someone who gets disappointed if you don’t see a few grams down every other day on the weight scale, you might be on the wrong track.

Your body weight consists of 4 things largely:-

  • Fat mass
  • Muscle mass
  • Water weight
  • Bones & organs

Any change on the scale could result from a change in liquid content. For instance, you’re consuming excess salt leading to water retention or any hormonal change in women could also lead to excess water retention resulting in no change on the scale.

Maybe your muscle mass is getting lost which is result in scale going down or it could also be fat mass or a combination of both.

Or maybe there is no change on the scale but you lost a few inches by a reduction in your waist size.

If this is the case, it is a better way to lose weight i.e. losing more fat mass.

So the bottom line is – scale is good to keep on track but not reliable enough to depict a clear picture. Losing fat or inches could be a better way to track progress.

3. No Resistance training or strength training

People often underestimate the power of strength training. benefits of which go much beyond just weight loss.

More muscle means increased metabolic rate which means you’ll burn more calories with more muscle on the body than less muscle which may happen if you continue to do more cardio and negligible weight training.

In fact, you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time by being in a small calorie deficit, optimum protein intake, and weight training.

4. Instant results (Wrong expectations) –

Results don’t come overnight. If it took time to gain weight, it will take some time to lose it. You need to work constantly and being patience.

5. Negligible Protein –

When attempting to lose weight, a calorie deficit is the key and protein is among high-satiety foods that reduce appetite and keep you full for longer. Meaning a protein diet may help make staying in caloric deficit much easier.

Besides, it also helps preserve muscle mass during fat loss.


For losing weight fast you need to avoid some common weight loss mistakes. So, in this article I have been discussed Top 5 biggest weight loss mistakes. That are:

  • Too much cardio exercise
  • Focus on the scale
  • No Resistance training or strength training
  • Instant results (Wrong expectations)
  • Negligible Protein
weight loss vs fat loss

Weight Loss Vs Fat Loss – What Should You Aim For?

The term “Weight” consists of the total weight or mass of your body.

This includes the weight of your bones, lean muscle, fat tissues (mass), water weight, etc.

What is Weight Loss?

Now, when you’re trying to lose weight, it can either be a result of muscle loss, fat loss, water loss, or even a combination of these three.

So, don’t get so excited about just the number going down on the scale. It could just be your water weight and your muscle mass largely.

And as you lose muscle, you will begin to experience difficulties in performing day-to-day physical tasks.

A later outcome of this could be sarcopenia, a condition that is characterized by losing muscle mass & strength over a period of time with contributing factors being reduced level of physical activity, age & gender (1).

Essentially, your body composition will not improve, you will just become a smaller version of your previous self.

What Is Fat Loss?

But “Fat Loss” means the weight lost by specifically targeting your body fat or the fat tissues over your lean muscles.

So Fat Loss looks like a healthier approach to aim for, both to lose weight and to look good (read sexy 😉) by preserving as much lean muscle mass as possible and having a great body composition.

But benefits of fat loss over weight loss go much beyond than just having a great body composition.

Problem With Losing Muscle

After the age of 30, one tends to lose 3-8% muscle mass every 10 years and this rate particularly shoots up after the age of 60 resulting in involuntary loss of muscle mass & strength also known as Sarcopenia as discussed above (2).

And this is primarily responsible for disability in older people.

Right Approach to lose fat

But how do we achieve Fat Loss over Weight Loss because both look the same as both require a caloric deficit diet? Right? 

The real game is the amount of deficit, protein consumption, and physical activity level.

The general problem seen with people struggling to lose Fat is their ‘unrealistic expectations of getting the desired results over a short period of time (like 7-10 kgs in a month or so).

People go for huge deficits (like 1000 calories) in order to get quick results, but guess what? This eventually slows down the metabolism as the body turns on the ‘Starvation Mode.

A better term for starvation mode would be “metabolic adaptation” (4).

Meaning, your body will require fewer calories now to survive because it is smart & it has adapted to the current nutrition pattern.

Also, a large amount of deficit can cause fatigue, Nutrient Deficiencies, loss of lean muscle, and above all you won’t be able to sustain it.

And, therefore deficits need to be small with the optimum amount of protein consumption.

Studies have shown that for most people a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day is sufficient for fat loss and unlikely to affect your hunger or energy levels with the right food choices and also minimizes muscle loss.

Secondly, Resistance Training has a vital role. It preserves the lean muscle mass, prevents metabolism to slow down, and boosts the fat-burning process (3).

The ‘American College of Sports Medicine recommends at least 0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight for sedentary individuals and 1.2-1.7g of protein per kg of body weight for active individuals.


To conclude, optimal protein intake, along with some form of resistance type training, a moderate caloric deficit, and long-term lifestyle changes must be looked at for fat loss if you want to sustain it even after achieving it.

References used –
Book –  Sports Nutrition for Health Professionals – American Council on Exercise