How To Boost Metabolism The Right Way?

Let’s decode this & understand. Human metabolism is composed of four components. The first is BMR (basal metabolic rate), which represents the energy expenditure at complete rest. Meaning, if you don’t move an inch for an entire day, this is the minimum amount of calories your body needs to carry out its internal functions. 

It is different for different people and depends on factors like age, height, weight and body fat percentage. BMR accounts for approximately 60% of the total daily calorie expenditure. You can slightly increase it by building muscle mass.

Second, is the thermic effect of food (TEF), which refers to the calories burned during digesting and absorbing food. it makes up around 10-15% of the daily calorie expenditure. It is also different for different people and depends on factors such as body fat percentage & meal composition however, consuming high-protein mixed meals can increase the thermic effect of food. Some meal examples could be – soy pulao, tofu pasta, and bread omelette etc. from an Indian context.

The third component is physical activity, which is split into two parts. The first part is EAT (exercise activity thermogenesis), referring to planned workouts in the gym, park, etc. This not only burns calories while performing the workout but also increases BMR in the long run by increasing muscle mass. 

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The second part is neat (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), which includes all body movements other than EAT, like walking, household chores, etc. Combining all these components gives you TEE or TDEE (Total Energy Expenditure).

So, the bottomline is, if you want to boost your metabolism or TEE the right way,

  • start by incorporating strength training in your planned workouts (EAT). This will help you gain muscle in the long term and indirectly increase your BMR.
  • Second, to keep the thermic effect of food high, consume meals rich in protein and fiber. lastly,
  • find opportunities to stay active throughout the day such as walk & talk, walk & social media, use cycle instead of scooty for local work etc. and so on. 
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