
Common Mistakes When Trying To Lose Weight

Top 5 Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes

Most of the poeple like you are doing exercises and maintaining a good Weight loss diet plan but still there weight is not losing.

That is because you are doing some weight common weight loss mistakes. So, today in this Article I will tell you Top 5 Biggest Common Weight Loss Mistakes.

For losing weight fast you need to consume less calories then your need. So, The first step for you is to click below and count your Daily Calorie Intake.

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1. Too much cardio exercise

The first thing you’ll notice anyone doing who’s on a fat loss journey. People generally consider cardio training i.e. treadmill, cross-training, and cycling as the most effective exercises for fat loss, however, too much cardio may result in muscle loss & over-exhaustion.

While, cardio is great for heart health and promotes healthy bones, joints, mood, sleep & energy level, and a lot of other functions but for fat loss, it is not the right strategy as cited above.

You can increase your caloric expenditure by burning more calories but excessive calories deficit might result in more muscle loss than fat loss.

But good cardio must be coupled with some caloric deficit and resistance training.

2. Focus on the scale

If you’re someone who gets disappointed if you don’t see a few grams down every other day on the weight scale, you might be on the wrong track.

Your body weight consists of 4 things largely:-

  • Fat mass
  • Muscle mass
  • Water weight
  • Bones & organs

Any change on the scale could result from a change in liquid content. For instance, you’re consuming excess salt leading to water retention or any hormonal change in women could also lead to excess water retention resulting in no change on the scale.

Maybe your muscle mass is getting lost which is result in scale going down or it could also be fat mass or a combination of both.

Or maybe there is no change on the scale but you lost a few inches by a reduction in your waist size.

If this is the case, it is a better way to lose weight i.e. losing more fat mass.

So the bottom line is – scale is good to keep on track but not reliable enough to depict a clear picture. Losing fat or inches could be a better way to track progress.

3. No Resistance training or strength training

People often underestimate the power of strength training. benefits of which go much beyond just weight loss.

More muscle means increased metabolic rate which means you’ll burn more calories with more muscle on the body than less muscle which may happen if you continue to do more cardio and negligible weight training.

In fact, you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time by being in a small calorie deficit, optimum protein intake, and weight training.

4. Instant results (Wrong expectations) –

Results don’t come overnight. If it took time to gain weight, it will take some time to lose it. You need to work constantly and being patience.

5. Negligible Protein –

When attempting to lose weight, a calorie deficit is the key and protein is among high-satiety foods that reduce appetite and keep you full for longer. Meaning a protein diet may help make staying in caloric deficit much easier.

Besides, it also helps preserve muscle mass during fat loss.


For losing weight fast you need to avoid some common weight loss mistakes. So, in this article I have been discussed Top 5 biggest weight loss mistakes. That are:

  • Too much cardio exercise
  • Focus on the scale
  • No Resistance training or strength training
  • Instant results (Wrong expectations)
  • Negligible Protein

Types Of Oats – Rolled Vs Steel Cut Vs Instant Oats

Types of Oats: Which Is Best For You

Oats are whole grain and a nutritious food option. A lot of people these days are switching to Oats because of their potential health benefits.

In this article, we will have a detailed look at the nutrient profile of Oats, the health benefits it provides, the difference between the types of oats available in the market, if one’s better than the other, and lastly which one should you choose according to your lifestyle & taste preferences.

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Nutrition of 100g Oats

  • 389 calories
  • 16.89 g protein
  • 66.27 g carbohydrates
    • 10.6 g dietary fiber
  • 6.9 g fat
    • 1.22 g saturated fat
    • 2.53 g polyunsaturated fat
    • 2.18 g monounsaturated fat
  • 4.72 mg iron
  • 177 mg magnesium
  • 4.9 mg manganese
  • 523 mg phosphorous
  • 4 mg zinc
  • 0.763 mg Thiamine (B1)
  • 1.349 mg Pantothenic Acid (B5)

Besides, it is a smaller source of a lot of other nutrients.

Health Benefits of Oats

As we saw above, oat grain is a good source of protein, fiber, several vitamins & minerals, and antioxidants.

May improve heart health

Beta Glucan, a type of fiber that is found in Oats has been particularly proven to be effective at reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad & total cholesterol, and therefore, may play a role in keeping your heart healthy (3).

Beta-Glucans can also be found in barley and other cereals grains as well.

May help with weight loss

Oats, being a complex carbohydrate, can keep one satiated for a longer duration thereby reducing the instances of more frequent eating and caloric intake.

A diet rich in oats and other complex carbohydrates promotes a feeling of fullness and can help stay in a caloric deficit easily.

Type of oats

1. Whole Oat Groat

After harvesting, cleaning, and removal of inedible hulls from the Oat crop, the first type that comes is a whole oat groat. They undergo the least amount of processing.

It is similar in appearance to a wheat grain & rice grain.

These types of oats require the maximum amount to cook. You can rarely find it in the supermarket as people don’t usually purchase a whole oat groat.

2. Steel Cut Oats

This type undergoes one step of further processing by cutting the whole oat groat into 2-3 pieces with fine metal blades.

This looks quite similar to wheat Dalia and is often sold in the market as Oat Dalia or steel-cut oats.

The cooking time is quite lesser than the whole oat groat but it will still take about 20 minutes to cook.

You can cook it just the way you cook wheat dalia and can be prepared in both sweet & salty versions.

3. Rolled Oats

The next and a popular oat option are rolled oats, also known as old-fashioned oats.

In order to make rolled oats, whole oat groat, instead of being cut into pieces using metal blades, is steamed & rollers are used to turn them into flat structures, known as flakes.

The resulting grain is a rolled oat.

These take less time to cook than both types discussed above because they already underwent some form of processing.

They hardly take 10 minutes to cook. They also have a soft texture.

4. Quick or Instant Oats

They are the fastest and virtually take no time to cook.

For this, rolled oats are steamed & pressed/rolled for a longer duration to get an even thinner type of oat variety, called instant oats.

Which Type Of Oats Is Best For You

Which type of Oats is best for you is depend upon your specific fitness goal. You can decide it by observing all types of oats pros and cons. So, now after reading this full article you can easily decide which oats is best for you.

if you have any doubt then ask in the comment section 👇 please.


Is Lotte Choco Pie Good For Kids?

Lotte Choco Pie is an extremely popular snack choice among kids these days. So, it is important for us to know, whether it’s good for our kids or not.

Let’s see what nutritional information says about the healthfulness of this product.

Nutrition Information of Lotte Choco Pie

100 g of this product has about 34g of added sugar, a negligible amount of protein, no dietary fiber, and 17g of fat.


The nutritional label is good enough to tell us that this product isn’t a good choice for kids & adults both.

But let’s not conclude right here. A further investigation into the ingredients will tell us the complete picture of this product.


Evaluating Ingredients of Lotte Choco Pie

The first ingredient is wheat flour which is nothing but Maida only. An attractive term frequently used by marketers these days to confuse consumers into thinking that they’re consuming an atta-based product.

But if the product is made from atta, it will say whole wheat flour instead of wheat flour (1).

Then, the Choco covering is made from sugar, hydrogenated fat, cocoa solids, milk solids, and emulsifier.

Now, hydrogenated fat has trans-fat in it which is extremely dangerous and may increase the risk of heart disease if consumed regularly.

Hydrogenated fat is normally found in a lot of commercially made foods such as cookies, biscuits, cakes, nut butters (sometimes), doughnuts, frozen foods, fried foods such as samosas, pakoras (depending on how many times the same oil is reheated for cooking), etc (2).

It works by lowering your good cholesterol HDL and increasing your bad cholesterol (3).

To minimize the use of trans-fatty acids (TFA), check the Nutrition fact panel on packaged food items for TFA content, if it mentions TFA content of more than 0.2 gram per serving then avoid the product and search for some healthy substitute (2).

The nutritional label of this product says trans fat content not more than 0.7 gram per 100g which means it is definitely more than 0.2 g per 100g.

All this coupled with sugar may have other negative health outcomes.

Moving further, sugar is added again, then the liquid glucose, another name for sugar.

Further ingredients such as oil, corn starch, sugar alcohols – glycerol, sorbitol, raising agent, acidity regulator, salt, stabilizer, etc. have no role to perform in your body. Some might even have side effects.

Nor will they give any nutritional benefit to your kid’s health.


In conclusion, Lotte Choco Pie is loaded with sugar, refined flour, and hydrogenated fat which makes it a bad dietary choice.

If you or your kids are consuming it regularly, the best thing you could do is stay away from a product like this.

And look for better & much healthier snacks for your kids by looking at the ingredient label of the product and going for products minimal in added sugar, salt, no hydrogenated fat, and a good amount of protein & fiber.

Kids in their growing up years need Whole nutritionally rich foods such as whole grains, lentils, fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy, etc. that can support their physical & mental growth and this is one product that’s definitely not for them.   

A better approach to follow would be to serve 80-90% whole or minimally processed foods to your kids.

The remaining 10-15% could be filled with other processed foods with better ingredients.


Is Brown Bread Healthy?

Let’s understand what healthy means first. A healthy product is the one which when consumed provides energy & offers a benefit to your body nutritionally.

At a time, when consumers turned health-conscious and started avoiding white or maida breads, brands became smarter in finding ways to trick us into purchasing a cheap product (the ingredients) in the name of health.

Which in today’s case is brown bread. As you would be thinking what’s wrong with brown bread. It’s made from whole wheat flour which is good for us.

Is it? Well, if you turn the pack and look at the ingredients, the first ingredient is maida and whole wheat flour is just 5%. This alone is a strong enough reason to not buy a product like this.


And then comes a list of never-ending food additives such as preservatives, acidity regulators, emulsifiers, improvers, antioxidants of which some preservatives and emulsifiers may give side effects.

In another bread we saw, the second ingredient was Maida and a bunch of food additives including brown color to make sure it looks like an atta bread.


In fact, even in one of the multigrain breads, we saw maida as their first ingredient.


If there’s one thing that these brands have gotten good at is their marketing & advertising.

So, the takeaway for you is to evaluate every product (including bread) you purchase by looking at their ingredient label first and not just trusting the front of the pack or their marketing message.

Also, as a consumer of bread, our recommendation is to look for a local bakery bread, that’s made of just 5 ingredients – whole wheat flour, yeast, water, salt, and oil (for greasing only).

These commercial breads are made in factories and so many food additives are added which perform specific purposes in their manufacturing but they have no role to perform in your body.

If you can’t find bakery bread, look for bread with the maximum amount of whole wheat flour and no Maida. So basically a 100% whole wheat or atta bread with minimal use of food additives is what should aim for when a freshly made bakery bread isn’t available.

References used –


4 Practical Ways To Reduce Stress

Stress has become an important part of a modern lifestyle and is regarded as a normal thing in day-to-day life. But it can take a toll on your health.

It can be due to your work, personal life situations, health concerns, financial challenges, setting wrong expectations, etc.

It can even lead to further health issues such as depression, anxiety, weight issues, heart disease, etc.

Let’s understand this with what is happening in the body and then we’ll look at some practical ways to fix it.

When you’re stressed, the body enters survival mode and changes the internal environment by increasing your heart rate, rising blood pressure, fastening your breath. sharpening your senses. Basically, prepares you to handle the situation – either fight or flight. Along with it, it releases a bunch of stress hormones – Cortisol, Vasopressin, growth hormone, etc.

But if your stress is occurring repeatedly, how you respond to the stressor is all that’s of major significance. Here are a few practical ways that’ll help you win over stress every time.

1. Physical activity

Physical activity in any form is a major stress buster. It is not just about doing when you’re stressed but exercising regularly can have several benefits apart from managing your stress such as healthy weight, improved body composition, improving mood, etc.

Even yoga has proven benefits to reduce stress.

2. Make healthy food choices

Some people turn to high sugar high-fat foods, smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc., and become even more stressed and the vicious cycle continues.

Develop a healthier response to stress by consuming whole and minimally processed foods, such as whole grains, whole grain flakes, nuts and seeds, nut butter, fruits, vegetables, beans & lentils, chicken, fish, etc.

3. Minimize the usage of phone

In so many studies, stress has found links with excessive screen time or phone usage. Excessive phone usage is also linked to disrupted sleep. Minimizing the usage of phone is surely a better way to handle stress.

Instead of looking inside the screen, look outside the screen & just walk in the garden by your side, maybe enjoy listening to your favorite music, pursue your hobby, spend time with friends. A lot of better things you can end up doing if you minimized usage of your phone.

4. Find your stressor and try to eliminate it permanently

Whether it is your work life, personal life, financial obligation, or any other, always work toward finding a permanent solution to the problem so that it stops bothering you over and over again.

Sources –


Everything About Sattu

Everything About Sattu: A Common Indian Food

sattu Is a common Indian food. But only some popele knows that how much nutritious and healthier it is. So, read this full article because I will discuss everything about sattu.

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Sattu is made from roasted Bengal gram (roasted chana), or roasted barley.

Some sources point to its incredible history as a savior food used during wars, and also used to fight malnutrition at one point due to its incredible nutritional properties.

In fact, it is also believed that lamas from Tibet who walked the path of enlightenment and went without food for several days used Sattu as their staple food.

Such incredible history was lost owing to modernization, globalization of food culture, and Sattu was merely looked down upon as a poor man’s food. But thankfully, Sattu is now, reviving its old glory.

Why not. It very much deserves that place.

Nutritional Value Of Sattu

Nutrients 100g Sattu
Calories 400 kcal
Protien 20-23g
Carbohydrates 66g
Dietary Fiber10g

It is also a very good source of iron meeting about 30% of daily RDA, so people with iron deficiency must include this in their diet.

It is also known to have a cooling effect on the body, and therefore in order to beat the heat this summer, sip this drink either salted by mixing some lemon or sweet with some jaggery powder.

Also, if you’re someone who’s looking to gain some weight, sattu can help there too.

A quick look at the nutritional composition of most mass gainers tells us that each 100g of any mass gainer contain about 15-20g protein, 50-60g carbohydrates, and 3-4 g fat which is a similar sort of composition with Sattu and even better on protein count, at almost 1/5th the cost.

So, you’ll save yourself a lot of money and consumption of an intensely processed carbohydrate, maltodextrin along with so many food additives and artificial sweeteners.

Sattu can help by consuming extra calories in liquid form by drinking it with water or milk or including sattu in your shake which may help in staying in a caloric surplus.

It can be part of both your pre and post-workout meals.

You can use this food to make paranthas, laddoos, sharbat, shakes, and so on.

All in all, a protein, iron, and fiber-rich food, that has a cooling effect on your body to ward off the heat. If you’ve not already tasted it, it’s time you give it a try.

Source –


Cornflakes Vs Oats Which Is More Healthier

A Comparison Between Cornflakes & Oats Which Is More Healthier Option

Oats and Cornflakes Both are popular breakfast options but let’s understand which one gives us the biggest bang for the buck.

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Note: We Will give you full guidance and guaranteed that you can Achieve your fitness goals Easily with Us.

Before proceeding, it is important to understand that breakfast is consumed with a purpose to keep us full & to provide energy for the first part of the day so that we can carry out all physical and mental tasks without feeling hungry.

For any breakfast to be qualified as a good breakfast, it must be rich in complex carbs & dietary fiber, good in protein, and a moderate amount of fats.

Nutritional Value of Cornflakes & Oats

Nutrients Cornflakes (100g)Oats (100g)
Calories 357kcal379kcal
Protein 8g13g
Carbohydrates 84g67g

Now, let’s look at Kellogg’s cornflakes first, which is made with 88% corn grits, sugar, cereal extract, salt, synthetic vitamins & minerals & antioxidants.

Cornflakes is marketed for being enriched with iron and combining it with milk. Clearly, there is nothing nutritive about cornflakes standalone that’s why it uses synthetically added vitamins & minerals & a bowl of milk for its marketing.

Also, fiber is negligible (3g per 100g) and protein content is just 7g per 100g both nutrients which are responsible for satiety. Though the serving size mentioned is 30g but chances of consuming way more than that is quite likely leading to increased consumption and less level of satiety.

On the other hand, Oats (we’re talking about 100% Natural Oats) being a complex carbohydrate is rich in fiber (10g per 100g) and protein (12g per 100g) leading to increased levels of satiety, fullness and you get to enjoy a lot of other proven benefits that come with it.

Even from a price point, Oats is way cheaper than Kellogg’s cornflakes.

So, if you’re consuming, cornflakes for breakfast, it’s time you make the switch and enjoy the benefits of consuming a filling & nutrient-rich food.

Now, this obviously doesn’t mean you just can’t consume cornflakes, you may, if you wish to, but when there are other better options available, you definitely should think about it.  

Sources –

https://www.amazon.in/Kelloggs-Corn-Flakes-875g/dp/B00TZIHC6I https://www.amazon.in/Quaker-Oats-2kg/dp/B01LYEV6RF/

dark choco

Is Dark Chocolate Healthy?

Dark chocolate is made from the seeds known as cacao beans of cacao tree or Theobroma Cacao which are fermented, dried, roasted & further processed to make dark chocolate.

Usually, anything above 50% cocoa in a chocolate is considered a dark chocolate but some countries may have higher percentages for a chocolate to be considered a dark chocolate.

But to make sure that the benefits of cocoa in dark chocolate outweigh the negative effects of huge amounts of sugar being added to chocolates these days, we’re considering at least 70% dark/cacao solids. This leaves limited scope for adding further ingredients such as sugar etc.

Because, after all, dark chocolate must be enjoyed for its bitterness and strong nutritive value.   

Coming to its nutritive value, dark chocolate is a great source of iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, zinc, etc. & a good source of protein, fiber.   

It is especially rich in plant compounds called flavanols or flavonoids which has shown considerable evidence to reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure.

The darker the chocolate is, the more are these flavanols.

Flavanols help the lining of the arteries, endolethium, to produce more nitric oxide which has a very relaxing impact on the blood vessels, improves blood flow which in turn lowers the blood pressure, thereby improving heart health.

In fact, several studies link the regular consumption of cocoa-based beverage by Kuna Indians, a tribe in Panama, to their heart health. This tribe is found to have lower blood pressure levels and despite their high salt intake, cases of hypertension were very rare among this population.

And, rate of death from diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease was significantly lower in this group as compared to people from the same community who moved to urban areas.

But some sources point out other lifestyle factors for their healthy life.

Nonetheless, the benefits of the consumption of dark chocolate must not be undermined.

Dark chocolate is both calorie & nutrient-dense food as almost 40% of its calories come from fat majorly saturated fat. So, no matter, how healthy it is, it can still be a reason for your weight gain if you’re consuming more calories than your maintenance. Therefore, in order to enjoy its health benefits and keep yourself fit, it must be consumed in moderation.

As the majority of chocolates in the market are loaded with sugar, you, as consumers of chocolate, must look for at least 70% or more cocoa in dark chocolate and minimal sugar. Eat in moderation, maybe 1-2 squares regularly to make this food a tasty & healthy choice for you.

Sources –


Are TagZ Chips Featured In Shark Tank India Any Better Than Lays?

Let’s evaluate both products from an ingredient & nutritional perspective.

Also, we are comparing basic salted versions of both products and any conclusion drawn will be based solely on just one flavor only.

Lays uses Potato, a mix of refined palm & rice bran oil, and iodized salt (1%) while TagZ uses Potatoes, sunflower oil (cold-pressed or refined, not mentioned on the pack, assuming it’s refined), potato starch, rice flour, salt (3.4%) and emulsifier soy lecithin.

If only, ingredients were used for deciding which one’s better, lays win because of least amount of ingredients and less salt. TagZ unnecessarily used a bunch of fillers in addition to their main ingredient.

From a nutritional standpoint, TagZ contains less than half the amount of fat but uses more than double the amount of sodium than Lays salted version.

And, both have a negligible amount of protein, fiber, and micronutrients which are a prerequisite for any product to be called “Healthy”.

From a processing standpoint, TagZ is obviously better since the chips are not fried but popped while lays are deep-fried snacks.

In conclusion, TagZ is a better alternative than Lays from a caloric & processing standpoint only however, it’s still a leisure/comfort snack being sold at more than double the price of Lays with no nutritive value at all. Neither Lays nor TagZ will bring satiety and moderation is the key even with the consumption of TagZ.

If you’re consuming this product thinking of it as a healthy alternative to Lays or any other potato chips, don’t fall into such claims because there are other better & actually healthy snacks available in the market.  

Sources –


Is Fat Really Bad For Health?

For so many years maybe decades, fat has been blamed for making people fat, giving cardiovascular diseases, culprit in one’s diet, and whatnot.

As the knowledge about food science progressed, we understood some interesting facts about fats

First of all, eating fat will not make you fat. What makes you fat is a caloric surplus diet meaning eating more calories than what is needed by your body

Fat is responsible for performing various functions in our body as vitamins a, d, e & k require fat for their transport and absorption.

The kind of fat you should be worried about is trans-fat which is industrially processed and is capable of increasing bad cholesterol and may also suppress good cholesterol leading to inflammation, heart diseases, etc. It is commonly found in margarine, street foods, baked, and other snack foods. On food labels, look for hydrogenated oil.

Approximately 20-35% of your daily energy should come from fat and consumption of saturated fat such as ghee, butter, coconut oil, shouldn’t increase 10% of your caloric requirement and the remaining shall come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in mustard, groundnut, sesame, olive oil, etc.  

Consume nuts, seeds, & nut butter such as almond, cashew, peanuts, peanut butter which are rich in monounsaturated fats.

Even though fat is required by our body, it’s the most calorie-dense macronutrient & contains 9 calories per gram, and can still be the reason for your gaining weight. Therefore, keeping an account of how much fat are you consuming is the key.