
Cornflakes Vs Oats Which Is More Healthier

A Comparison Between Cornflakes & Oats Which Is More Healthier Option

Oats and Cornflakes Both are popular breakfast options but let’s understand which one gives us the biggest bang for the buck.

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Before proceeding, it is important to understand that breakfast is consumed with a purpose to keep us full & to provide energy for the first part of the day so that we can carry out all physical and mental tasks without feeling hungry.

For any breakfast to be qualified as a good breakfast, it must be rich in complex carbs & dietary fiber, good in protein, and a moderate amount of fats.

Nutritional Value of Cornflakes & Oats

Nutrients Cornflakes (100g)Oats (100g)
Calories 357kcal379kcal
Protein 8g13g
Carbohydrates 84g67g

Now, let’s look at Kellogg’s cornflakes first, which is made with 88% corn grits, sugar, cereal extract, salt, synthetic vitamins & minerals & antioxidants.

Cornflakes is marketed for being enriched with iron and combining it with milk. Clearly, there is nothing nutritive about cornflakes standalone that’s why it uses synthetically added vitamins & minerals & a bowl of milk for its marketing.

Also, fiber is negligible (3g per 100g) and protein content is just 7g per 100g both nutrients which are responsible for satiety. Though the serving size mentioned is 30g but chances of consuming way more than that is quite likely leading to increased consumption and less level of satiety.

On the other hand, Oats (we’re talking about 100% Natural Oats) being a complex carbohydrate is rich in fiber (10g per 100g) and protein (12g per 100g) leading to increased levels of satiety, fullness and you get to enjoy a lot of other proven benefits that come with it.

Even from a price point, Oats is way cheaper than Kellogg’s cornflakes.

So, if you’re consuming, cornflakes for breakfast, it’s time you make the switch and enjoy the benefits of consuming a filling & nutrient-rich food.

Now, this obviously doesn’t mean you just can’t consume cornflakes, you may, if you wish to, but when there are other better options available, you definitely should think about it.  

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