dark choco

Is Dark Chocolate Healthy?

Dark chocolate is made from the seeds known as cacao beans of cacao tree or Theobroma Cacao which are fermented, dried, roasted & further processed to make dark chocolate.

Usually, anything above 50% cocoa in a chocolate is considered a dark chocolate but some countries may have higher percentages for a chocolate to be considered a dark chocolate.

But to make sure that the benefits of cocoa in dark chocolate outweigh the negative effects of huge amounts of sugar being added to chocolates these days, we’re considering at least 70% dark/cacao solids. This leaves limited scope for adding further ingredients such as sugar etc.

Because, after all, dark chocolate must be enjoyed for its bitterness and strong nutritive value.   

Coming to its nutritive value, dark chocolate is a great source of iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, zinc, etc. & a good source of protein, fiber.   

It is especially rich in plant compounds called flavanols or flavonoids which has shown considerable evidence to reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure.

The darker the chocolate is, the more are these flavanols.

Flavanols help the lining of the arteries, endolethium, to produce more nitric oxide which has a very relaxing impact on the blood vessels, improves blood flow which in turn lowers the blood pressure, thereby improving heart health.

In fact, several studies link the regular consumption of cocoa-based beverage by Kuna Indians, a tribe in Panama, to their heart health. This tribe is found to have lower blood pressure levels and despite their high salt intake, cases of hypertension were very rare among this population.

And, rate of death from diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease was significantly lower in this group as compared to people from the same community who moved to urban areas.

But some sources point out other lifestyle factors for their healthy life.

Nonetheless, the benefits of the consumption of dark chocolate must not be undermined.

Dark chocolate is both calorie & nutrient-dense food as almost 40% of its calories come from fat majorly saturated fat. So, no matter, how healthy it is, it can still be a reason for your weight gain if you’re consuming more calories than your maintenance. Therefore, in order to enjoy its health benefits and keep yourself fit, it must be consumed in moderation.

As the majority of chocolates in the market are loaded with sugar, you, as consumers of chocolate, must look for at least 70% or more cocoa in dark chocolate and minimal sugar. Eat in moderation, maybe 1-2 squares regularly to make this food a tasty & healthy choice for you.

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