How to supplement sodium bicarbonate for muscle growth?

The way sodium bicarbonate works is by delaying muscle fatigue by slightly neutralizing muscle pH. This may indirectly help muscle growth by increasing workout volume through extra reps, but the research is not conclusive for muscle hypertrophy. However, for those who want to try it, here are some protocols:

Performance benefits have been seen in high-intensity sports with a range of 0.2 to 0.5 g per kg body weight. This means that if you weigh 60 kg, the dose would be between 12g (60 x 0.2g) and 30g (60 x 0.2g).

The minimum dose to improve performance is 0.2 g per kg, taken 60 to 180 minutes before a workout. Start with the lowest dose and if you plan to increase it, split it into 2 to 3 meals and take it with any carbohydrate food or meal in a capsulated form to reduce the chances of side effects such as

  • bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Nausea, etc.

If it works fine, consuming regularly won’t be an issue. 

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Also, Don’t go overboard with the dosage as sodium bicarbonate in high doses can be dangerous, potentially leading to –

  • Alkaliosis: A condition where the blood becomes too alkaline, causing nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, and other adverse effects.
  • Electrolyte imbalance: Disrupting the balance of electrolytes in your body, which can be harmful for various bodily functions.
  • Stomach rupture: In rare cases, especially with excessive use.

The link to the International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand about sodium bicarbonate.

Final takeaway is that if you are a beginner, you should first get your muscle building basics right such as –

  1. Performing resistance/weight training 4–5 times per week performing 10–20 sets per muscle group per week
  2. Eating in slight calorie surplus, roughly 200 kcal above your maintenance.
  3. Optimal protein to support muscle growth, 1.5–2g/kg of body weight.
  4. Optimal rest (approx. 7 hours of sleep)

,and the role of supplements like sodium bicarbonate or any other will always come after that.


 The information provided on this channel and its videos is for general informational purposes only and based largely on our personal experience and research and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice.**

Best exercise for weight loss

Top 5 Best Exercises For Weight Loss

Top 5 Best Exercise For Weight Loss

You are finding Best Exercise For Weight Loss. Because, you are a fatty guy?

Here are some of the Best Exercise For Fat Loss that helps you to loss weight fast and Some facts about weight loss.

But, First you need to know that how much is your calorie intake. So, click below and know that how much is your calorie intake.


Walking is one of the most common and simplest exercise for weight loss. But, it is good for those whose weight is too much that they couldn’t run or jog. Because, running or jogging is more sufficient exercise than jogging.

It requires no special equipment (except perhaps good shoes for running), and can be done indoors or outdoors. Walk 4000 steps means Approximately 3 kilometers.


Running is a good exercise for weight loss. But, If your weight is too much for example 90-95kg then I will suggest you to not run for weight loss. Because, now your weight is too much and your bones are not able for a run. Because, of its caloroe burning capacity, metabolism-boosting effects, and ability to target stored fat.

If you can run for just 30 minutes then it can burns approximately 300 calories. It requires no special equipment (except perhaps good shoes for running), and can be done outdoors.

Strength Training

The best exercise for weight loss is the combination of cardio exercises and strength training. Strength Training will help you to gain muscle and cardio exercises helps in losing fat. Some of the best strength training exercises for weight loss:

  • Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Lunges
  • Push-ups
  • Pull-ups/Chin-ups
  • Dumbbell Rows
  • Bench Press
  • Russian Twists
  • Plank
  • Burpees
  • Mountain Climber


Cycling of a good exercise for weight loss. It can burn your more calories in less time and it also helps you in building stamina. Because, it is a cardio exercise.

Whether you prefer outdoor cycling or using a stationary bike. You can do cycling for 20-30 minutes in a day for better and fast results.

Looking to achieve your fitness goals?

We offer personalized nutrition & training plans tailored for fat loss, muscle gain, or any other health goal. Click below, fill out the form, and reach your fitness goals much faster than most people.


Skipping or Jumping rope is a high-intensity cardiovascular exercise best for weight loss that can torch calories quickly. Means it can easily burn your calories in less time.

It also helps improve coordination and agility. Boxers and other athletes are also doing skipping for boosting stamina. So, do 5 set of 2 minutes.

Myths and Reality of Exercise in Weight Loss

There is no single best exercise for fat loss. In fact, exercise plays a very minimal role in fat loss. Let’s clarify this.

The main principle of fat loss is always going to be calorie deficit. This means that you need to burn more calories than you consume and nutrition plays a bigger role in whether to stay in a caloric deficit or not.

So the first step is to use any online calculator to determine your maintenance calories and then create a plan to eat 200-300 calories less than that. Our video (make your own diet plan) will help you create a nutrition plan, and you can find a spreadsheet with protein sources from instagram profile page and youtube about section. By doing this, and combining it with 6-7 thousand steps per day, you will start to lose weight.

Now, coming to exercise, it does burn some calories. However, that’s not the main reason we exercise. We exercise to build good habits first and then to improve heart health, maintain healthy blood sugar levels, strengthen bones, preserve and build muscle, reduce stress, improve focus, boost mood, and improve appearance.

So, the bottom line is that after you have your nutrition sorted, you should combine some cardio and strength training in your exercise routine to see great results. Cardio will burn some extra calories and improve heart functioning and strength training, will make you stronger, improve your strength, and preserve & grow your muscle mass which improves your overall health and metabolism.


In summarising, Exercises does not play a major role in your weight loss journey. The major thing is is maintain your daily calories. So, first make sure how much calories you need to take in a day with calorie counter given in the starting of the starting of the article.

Then make your diet plan or if you are troubling in making your diet plan. Then Contact Us by filling your Contact us form. Next step is to do some exercises for weight loss like:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Jogging
  • Strength Training
  • Skipping
  • Cycling

What Happens When You Exercise?

In simple words, exercise is a type of physical stress that we put on our body, which has both short-term and long-term effects.

Short-term effects:

  • Increased blood supply: When you exercise, your working muscles need oxygen and glucose. To deliver these nutrients, more blood will flow to the muscles.
  • Increased heart rate: Your heart needs to beat faster than normal in response to exercise in order to deliver nutrients quickly.
  • Increased muscle temperature: Working muscles need energy, which comes from fat or carbohydrates. When either of these is used for energy, the chemical reaction that takes place produces heat as a waste product.
  • Microtears in muscles: Exercise causes stress on muscles, which can lead to microtears. These are repaired during rest and when you fuel your body with sufficient nutrients & protein

Now these are some short term effects but when you continue to exercise for longer duration, your body will become more efficient at handling these processes and will lead to better functioning of heart, lungs, increased bone density, increased muscular strength and reduce risk of several diseases.

Sounds like an impressive deal. So when are you beginning to exercise.

Looking to achieve your fitness goals?

We offer personalized nutrition & training plans tailored for fat loss, muscle gain, or any other health goal. Click below, fill out the form, and reach your fitness goals much faster than most people.

THIS HAPPENS to Muscles When You Don’t Workout

You may have noticed that when you take a few days off from working out, your muscles start to look a little leaner or smaller in size. Right?

To understand whether this is muscle loss or not, let’s go back to basics.

Our muscles are about:-

  • 75% water
  • About 18-20% protein
  • 1-2% carbohydrates in the form of glycogen
  • similar fat percent
  • 1% electrolytes

And a few other things like creatine.

Now, If you pay attention here, you can see that muscles are mostly water, and glycogen is also stored with 3 times the amount of water.

So, when you don’t work out for a few days, the first thing that happens is that the amount of glycogen decreases, which also takes a lot of water with it.

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So, the main reason why your muscles look smaller in the initial few days is water AND GLYCOGEN loss. Yes, if you don’t train for a few weeks or months, then gradually protein breakdown will be higher than protein synthesis resulting in a reduction of net protein, which will cause the muscle fibers to shrink, which is called muscle loss or muscle atrophy.

So the key takeaway here is, nothing will happen to your muscles in a few days to a week or so, in fact, this could be an opportunity for your muscles to recover best during couple of days of rest.

Will Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) increase muscle growth?

Let’s understand this in an oversimplified way. The pH of our muscles is around 7.5 Let’s say you are doing a set of biceps curls, and the pain you feel as you reach the last rep because of lactic acid that builds up in your working muscles.

This lactic acid will lower the muscle pH (approximate 6.5-7 pH) and make it acidic, resulting in muscle fatigue and completion of the set. This is called exercise-induced metabolic acidosis.

Now, what Sodium bicarbonate will do is, it will prevent the muscles from becoming acidic for a while by raising muscle & blood pH, so that muscle fatigue is delayed, hence improving exercise performance. Simply put, you’ll be able to pull a few extra reps.

So, theoretically, the extra reps that come from this delayed fatigue can increase your workout volume, which is a major factor in muscle growth. And this can indirectly support muscle hypertrophy by enhancing exercise performance, however, direct evidence of sodium bicarbonate supplementation on muscle growth is not well established.

Looking to achieve your fitness goals?

We offer personalized nutrition & training plans tailored for fat loss, muscle gain, or any other health goal. Click below, fill out the form, and reach your fitness goals much faster than most people.

However, it is proven to increase muscle endurance, and there is evidence to support improved exercise performance in certain high-intensity sports such as cycling, running, swimming, rowing etc.

So, with this information, we can conclude that baking soda may or may not work for muscle growth, but the muscle-building basics will definitely work (progressive resistance/weight training + optimal protein + small surplus + rest).

So if you wish to try, combine the muscle-building basics with a serving of sodium bicarbonate to see if it works or not. We will very soon make a video about when and how to consume it.