Essential vs Non Essential Fat

Here’s an interesting thing: even if we don’t eat any fat sources, our body can still make its own fat by using other macronutrients. But this usually doesn’t happen because even if you don’t eat fat in visible form, such as ghee or oil, you still get fat in invisible form from

  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Dairy
  • Eggs, etc.

However, some fatty acids are essential, which means you have to get them from your diet. These include omega-3 and omega-6, which are polyunsaturated fats.

Omega-6 is found in most oils, nuts, and seeds. However, there are fewer sources of omega-3, such as fish in animals and

  • Flax
  • Chia
  • Walnuts or
  • Algae oil in plants. 

Omega-3 has an important role, such as:-

  • Reducing cardiovascular risk
  • Improving bone
  • Brain and
  • Vision health and much more.

So, the practical takeaway here is: omega 6, you can manage easily and even though omega 3 is really important for overall health but, before you run to the market to buy omega-3 supplement from the market, first set a good foundation for your overall health with proper nutrition and activity.

Then, you can start incorporating omega-3 into your diet.

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Chicken vs paneer

Chicken VS Paneer Which Is Best?

A Comparison Between Chicken and Paneer Which is Best?

If you are Confused that which protein source is best for me paneer or chicken. Because, most of the poeple knows that in Non-vegetarian foods chicken contains most high protien and in Vegetarian Paneer gets the most.

So, here is a Comparison Between Chicken and paneer. But, this nutritional value cannot be same at all place. Because, the quality of foods can be differ from place to place but approximately this data is genuine.

Nutrition ChickenPaneer
Protein 31g18.3g
Carbohydrates 0g1.2g

Now, you can understand that how much protein did chicken contains and how much paneer. But, protein is a minor thing the main thing is all about calories. So, If your goal is to losing weight or building muscles than Chicken is a great option for you. Because it provides more protein in less amount of Calories.

But, If your goal is weight gain then paneer is good for you. Because, paneer contains more calories and for gaining weight you need to consume more calories. But how much? If you don’t know that how much is your daily calorie intake then click below and count your calories.

The protein in both paneer and chicken is about 85-90% bioavailable. Bioavailablity means basically how much protein from these foods your body gets. This means that you will get roughly 27g net protein from chicken and 16g net protein from paneer.

Every food has its own merits and demerits. So, it is very hard to say which is best paneer or chicken. But, if your goal is to losing weight or building muscles then add chicken in your diet plan or if your goal is weight gain then add paneer in your diet plan.

If you are too much confused that chicken or paneer which is best for your specific fitness gaol then feel free to comment below or contact us.

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How to choose the best peanut butter?

Before we get to the best peanut butter, let’s understand the basics of peanut butter. Any peanut butter typically contains around 25-30 percent protein, 50 percent fat, 20-22% grams of carbohydrates, and approximately 650 calories.

Peanut butter available in the market mainly falls into three categories:

Firstly, there’s all-natural peanut butter, which contains only one ingredient: peanuts. Then, to enhance the taste, many brands add sugar and salt to peanuts. Sometimes stabilizers and hydrogenated oil are also added for better consistency.

In sugar-added peanut butters, the percentage of peanuts decreases to about 80-85 percent, resulting in lower protein and fat content.

Thirdly, there are flavored peanut butters like chocolate or coconut, where the peanut content decreases, and the added flavor is present. Nutrition-wise, there will be slight differences among them, and the ingredients should be listed in this order on the label.

If you need to avoid a certain type of peanut butter, it’s best to avoid those with hydrogenated oil and why is that we’ll discuss hydrogenated fat in a separate video however, all peanut butters are heavy in calories.

Now that you know something about peanut butters, you can include them in your diet based on your budget, taste, brand preference, and goals.

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How to order protein foods for muscle growth?

If the priority is to maximize muscle growth, then arrange your protein sources in this order, where you first pick high-quality sources. High quality means complete protein sources, and surprisingly, the availability of complete sources is also more than incomplete sources.

So, keeping this approach in mind, first pick eggs. Eggs are the king of the protein world, so whether you’re vegetarian or non-vegetarian, if you eat eggs, grab a few pieces first. Then, if you’re a non-vegetarian, go for

  • Chicken
  • Fish or
  • any other meat.

Chicken and fish are the leanest options in non-vegetarian foods meaning providing less calories per gram of protein. 

And if you’re a vegetarian and don’t eat eggs, then prioritize dairy foods first, including

  • Paneer
  • Cheese
  • Milk
  • Curd
  • Yogurt
  • Skimmed milk powder etc.

Next in line among plant foods will be the soy family, where you have chunks, tofu, tempeh, and so on. After that, consider seitan because of its high protein content, followed by all types of lentils like:

  • kidney beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Gram flour
  • Sattu etc.

Finally, if there’s room left, include nuts and seeds. Whey protein will also be at the top, but discussions about supplements usually come at the end.

Now, follow a top down approach to complete your daily protein intake.

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