
Egg Vs Paneer: Which is Best Option

A Nutritional Comparison Between Egg and Paneer

Egg and paneer both are the good source of protein and high in calories. But the question is which is best for you. According to your personal fitness goal. So, below is a comparison between egg and paneer.

Both paneer and eggs are high-quality protein sources, meaning they are complete proteins with all essential amino acids their bioavailability is also amongst the highest. 

Nutritional Value Table Of 100g of Egg VS Paneer

Calories143 kcal265 kcal
Protien12.6 g18.3 g
Carbohydrates1.1 g1.2 g
Fat9.5 g20.8 g

If we compare them keeping same protein content, one whole egg provides 6 g (12%) of protein, and to get the same amount of protein, you need to consume 35 g paneer (paneer is 18% protein). An egg contains 5.5 g of fat (11%), while 35g paneer provides 7.5 g (22%) of fat, with paneer having almost 60% (4.6g) saturated fat and eggs about 35% (1.9g).

It doesn’t matter that what is your fitness goal it is weight gain, Weight loss or any other calories plays a major role in achieving your fitness goal. So, it is very important for you to know that how much is your calories intake. So, click the button given below and know your daily calorie intake.

In terms of calories, one egg has 75 calories, and 35 g of paneer provides 95 calories. An egg costs around 7 rupees, whereas 35 g paneer costs about 13 rupees. As far as the micronutrients are concerned, paneer is a major source of calcium while egg is a fantastic source of choline.

Interestingly if you observe above, eggs are nearly half the cost and provide the same amount of protein as paneer in about 23% fewer calories.

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So, the bottom line is, both paneer and eggs are classic sources of protein and fat that can help you feel full. If you’re a vegetarian, go for paneer; if you’re an eggetarian or a non-vegetarian, you can have both, but remember to watch your saturated fat intake if you plan to include both.  

If cost is a concern, opt for eggs; if not, you can include both. And when it comes to muscle growth and fat loss, include both alongside other protein sources keeping your calorie goals in check. 


To give you a better perspective, during fat loss you can include both however, your first priority should be including leaner protein sources that can help you complete your protein requirement while staying in a caloric deficit.

Find the protein sources sheet below & leaner protein source is where calorie/g protein is the lowest.

How To Lean Bulk?

In simple terms, a lean bulk means gaining muscle without excessive fat gain. It’s about creating a condition where you build muscle while keeping fat gain minimal. To achieve this, follow these 4 steps only. 

First, create a calorie surplus. The amount of surplus will determine how much fat you gain along with muscle. To keep the fat gain minimal, aim for a small surplus of 200-300 calories or stay within 10-15% above maintenance. 

Make your own diet plan using this video 

Second, consume 1.5-2g of protein per kg of body weight. Save a copy of this protein sources & cost sheet, choose your protein sources and start including them in your diet. 

Third, focus on resistance or weight training. This will provide necessary stimulus to build muscle by creating tears in muscle fibers. For optimal training, train each muscle group twice a week with around 15-20 sets per muscle group per week, pushing to failure. 

And finally, track your progress weekly by measuring inches and taking photos. Also, monitor your lifts at the gym indicating strength gains. 

Apart from this, all you need is water, rest, and patience. 

Who can lean bulk?

Now, even in a lean bulk, some amount of body fat will also be gained along with muscle. Therefore, for individuals with higher body fat percentages or visible fat, 20% or more body fat for men & 30% or more for women, a better approach is to start with a cut, which means reducing body fat first because assuming you start a higher body fat for a lean bulk, you will end up with even higher body fat level which might not be aesthetically pleasing and desirable.

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Therefore, lean bulk is ideal for those who are skinny or have minimal visible fat, with body fat around 8-10% for males and approximately 20% for females. Some training experience will help for starting lean bulk and gradually increase your calories slightly above maintenance and continue with lean bulking while tracking your progress.

The bottom line is that a lean bulk will teach you discipline to pick the right foods and a better lifestyle consistently for a long time which will not only enhance your aesthetics but also benefit various aspects of your life. 

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How To Eat Out During Fat Loss?

If you’re on your fat loss journey but due to unavoidable reasons, have to eat out and you do not want to derail your progress. Here are some strategies to help you minimize your caloric consumption while having an enjoyable dining experience:

Step 1 

Eat something and then go out. I know it’s a meal outside but eating something satiating before leaving home will help take care of unnecessary cravings and will minimize chances of bingeing. 

Step 2 

Keep a water bottle with you to keep yourself hydrated and drink water before putting anything else in your mouth. 

Step 3

Look for soups without cream as your first meal. If not available or you don’t like that, go for a salad with some grilled or boiled protein source added to it such as grilled chicken, grilled tofu, fish or egg. Remember to choose low-calorie dressing for salad. 

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Step 4

You would most likely feel full by now. If you’re still in a mood for the main course, go for small serving of chapati/rice/noodles along with some curry or dal. 

Step 5

Give dessert a pass if possible. Else share or keep your serving small to avoid influx of large amount of calories all at once.

Step 6 

Try to be active throughout the day. May be 10k steps would help. Try to do it before or after dining outside. The idea of a meal outside at the end of the day is to have better connections. Remember that. 

Is Fruit Sugar Bad For You?

Glucose, Fructose & Galactose – these three are the simplest forms of carbohydrates. That’s why they are also called monosaccharide or simple sugars, and every fruit contains fructose and glucose or their combination (known as sucrose) in different quantities. 

Their characteristic is that they are rapidly digested and quickly enter the bloodstream. If this is clear, let’s move on. 

Now, each fruit is composed of about 80-90% water, with the remaining 10-15% being carbs, which includes both of these sugars or their combination. In these carbs, there’s 1 to 3 grams of fiber, and lastly there are vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Now, those who criticize fruit sugar are only focusing on the sugar part, but they have forgotten that it comes as part of a complete package that includes fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. as well which are crucial for protecting you against several diseases. Also, fiber helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels as it prevents a rapid increase in blood glucose.

As for concerns about gaining fat, the body won’t automatically convert this fruit sugar into fat. It stores only excess calories as fat, whether they come from lentils or fruits. 

So, leave aside what people might say and enjoy your fruits. It’s nutrient-dense, tasty, and low in calories.

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How to do body recomposition?

Body recomposition is an approach where you’ll push the body to use stored fat for energy while building some muscle at the same time. And if you have been training for just 6 months to 1 year, basically if you’re a beginner, even an intermediate, or have recently returned after a long break, each one of you can attempt body recomposition. The only thing that’s common in ever situation is some amount of body fat.

Steps for body recomposition

1. Losing Fat 

For this you need a calorie deficit so that body utilizes stored fat for energy. However, the deficit shouldn’t be so extreme that your body starts using muscle tissue for energy too.

Larger the deficit, larger the chances of body using muscle for energy. So, keep a modest deficit, around 200-300 calories, or simply eat at maintenance and create the required calorie deficit by walking around 10,000 steps per day.

Find your maintenance calories using any online calculator and make a diet plan.

2. Building muscle

For muscle growth, prioritize higher protein intake, around 2.2 g per kg of body weight. Had it been a caloric surplus, you would have done just fine even with a lower protein range also but as you’re in a calorie deficit, you need a higher dose of protein to preserve & grow muscle. Adequate protein intake signals your body to spare muscle while using fat for energy. 

Secondly, gradually increasing the load, sets, or reps in your weight training sessions is very important so that you’re progressing every week because muscle growth will happen when to gradually increase total workout volume. 

Lastly, check your progress every 2 weeks – such as inches across different body parts and adjust calories accordingly. 

Finally, remember that body recomposition is a slow process that requires patience, commitment & discipline.

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How To Lose Face Fat?

Spot reduction or targeted fat loss is not possible, whether it’s face fat or belly fat, meaning you can’t target fat from any specific area. Alteast for now. 

And if you have fat on your face, it means there are high chances of fat on the rest of your body as well. Which means, the most effective way to reduce face fat is by reducing overall body fat, and gradually, the face fat will also decrease.

Follow the following steps to reduce face fat 

  • create a calorie deficit by consuming 300-400 calories less than your maintenance calories, protein in this range (1.5-2g/kg of body weight).

Find maintenance from any online calculator by filling in your basic details such as height, age, weight & activity level. Let’s say your maintenance comes out to be 2000, make a nutrition plan for 1700 kcal and test it for a week and adjust accordingly. 

  • Engage in resistance training, it will preserve muscle, increase strength, and improve body composition. 
  • Increase your daily energy expenditure by walking 5-10k steps. 
  • Finally, drink enough water to minimize water retention.

If you follow these steps for a few months, you will definitely see improvements in your face fat in addition to reduction in other body fat from other areas as well. 

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And even if your face still appears fuller, it might be due to your facial structure, possibly because of genetics. So, instead of worrying about your face and living in an illusionary world of what a perfect face looks like, accept what you got, and focus on the things that matter in life. 

At the end of the day, you won’t be recognized in this world for your face, but for your work. 

How To Bulk For Skinny Guys?

Bulking essentially means gaining weight with an intent to gain muscle mass in the process. Basically, if you’re skinny you want a broader or a muscular frame. Right?

If this is what you seek, it is a game of patience and persistence. If you are up for it, these are the only steps you need to follow if you wish to get broader.

First, is resistance training. Obviously, this is non-negotiable. You can’t get big without this. If you’re a beginner, focus on learning proper form with light weights initially, and gradually develop the habit of lifting heavier weights, not the heaviest weight at the gym, but heavier according to your lifting capacity. Basically hit a range of 6-12 repetitions per set and 10-15 sets per muscle per week. Volume can then be adjusted as we move forward. Train all major muscle groups twice per week.

Secondly, from a nutritional perspective, the most crucial aspect is building your appetite because if you have been skinny for a while, it likely means that you haven’t been eating enough.

In terms of calories, aim for 300-400 kcal above your maintenance, or monitor your weight to ensure you gain not more than 1.5 to 2 kg per month to avoid excess fat gain. 

Lastly, your protein intake should be between 1.5 to 2 g/kg of body weight to gain muscle mass. Also, track your progress every 2 weeks. 

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Follow this consistently for a period of 6 months to 1 year followed by a cycle of cut for 2-3 months or an average of not more than 2 kg weight loss per month. All leading to a good amount of muscle and a broader frame at the end. 

Best Time To Drink Whey Powder

What is the best time to drink whey or any other protein powder? This question comes a lot more often. Probably, this question is asked in the context of muscle building or fat loss and people want to know a specific time of protein consumption that maximizes muscle growth or fat loss. 

Once again, to get this we will have to go through the basics. 

But a straightforward answer is – there is no best time to consume protein, however, if the goal is to maximize muscle growth, these three 3 steps along with a good weight training regimen are far more important for muscle growth than knowing the best time to drink protein. 

First is the calorie surplus. You need to be in a calorie surplus to support the process of muscle growth. Eat around 300-400 calories above your maintenance calories every day for maximum muscle gain and minimal fat gain.

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Secondly, complete your daily protein requirements, which should be between 1.5-2 g/kg of body weight. So, if your weight is 60 kg, then aim for 90 to 120 grams of protein daily. If you’re not consuming this much currently, gradually increase it, and make sure most of your protein comes from these high-quality sources.


  • Soy chunks
  • Tofu
  • Paneer
  • Cheese
  • Tempeh
  • Milk
  • Curd


  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Seafood
  • Meat
  • Eggs

Thirdly, evenly distribute your protein intake across 3 to 4 meals. For example, if your protein requirement is 100 grams/day, have 25 to 30 grams of protein in each meal, and within this include a scoop of whey protein wherever it fits since it’s a high-quality protein source. 

Additionally, focus on getting adequate rest and maintaining consistency, as significant results won’t show up in just one or two months. Instead, of hoping for quick results, develop a good system that encourages you to be persistent with your schedule.